Are Scatter Rugs Easy To Crochet?

When you home crochet these scatter rugs yourself, you can make them in the colors of your own choosing provided the yarn is the right weight. That is just one of the many advantages of home crocheting your own rugs.

I find that my rugs that I crocheted myself are easy to launder and look fantastic when they come out of the washer.

By the way, have you ever noticed that the scatter rugs that you purchase seem to slide around making you wonder about the safety of using them?

With homemade scatter rugs, you can purchase some adhesives inexpensively from your local stores, for example, Wal Mart that you can stitch on the bottom of either homemade rugs or purchased rugs to make them stay in place and ease your mind where safety is concerned.

As I have often said, when you are crocheting a rug, you will need concentration and I would also recommend a color scheme in mind when you start this project. These projects tend to take time to make, and I don't know about you, but I tend to try to get it right the first time so that I have a greater sense of accomplishment when I finish the project.

Another point I want to make is that sometimes, purchased scatter rugs only come in one varying size of the same shape (or almost the same shape), whereas if you crochet your own rugs, you can make them any shape you want. For example, my kitchen sink is kind of on a 45 degree angle - good luck finding a rug for that corner. This is one of the many reasons I decided to make my own rugs. Now, with me making my own rugs, I can make these rugs fit into that corner comfortably and in the right colors. With the added adhesive that I sew on the bottom of this rug, I never have to worry about anyone slipping due to the rug. It washes beautifully and lasts a long time (if you use the right weight of wool)!

I have also found that the new scatter rugs that are purchased don't all have fringes for that "finished look". If you make your own rug, it is very simple to attach a fringe to the sides of your crocheted rug for that "finished look" and a real sense of pride and accomplishment!

Do you have to block home crocheted rugs? Let's just answer that question this way: I never have - they look fantastic and as a rug, with the weight, I don't find it necessary to block that rug!

However, as in all home crocheted items, the exact gauge is essential for the correct rug size. I also like to work in the loose ends as I am crocheting the rug for that "professional look". Both of these things are not hard to do if you want to have a great looking rug in your own colors!

With all of the above in mind, I ask you - "Would you like a rug in your own colors, your own shape and size, made with your own hands?"

Are you going to crochet a scatter rug for your home or apartment?

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